Thursday, 9 July 2009

The video below is a lego version of The Dark Knight Trailer. Very well made, the maker has used animation skills to make a spoof trailer . I like it alot because of its comedy aspect but also because of how well it all flows. The mixture of the real movie dialogue and these scenes are used to great comical effect.
It looks proffesional and looks like it could be an actual trailer for an adaptation of the Lego Batman video game.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince UK Premiere

These pictures are from the Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince premiere in Leister Square. They were taken by some friends who managed to get down there and stood in the rain for hours, so thanks guys. :)

Sunday, 5 July 2009

Criteria for a film to have a teaser trailer

After discussing it in class we decided thata film had to have one of 5 things to have to have a teaser ttrailer created. The 5 things were:
-A Big Budget
-Being an adaptation of a book, game etc
-A sequel
-Have a big star as one of the actors or a well known director
- Be of the action adventure genre
